Pielle is a rich French aristocrat who cosplays as Zorro. He is able to control lightning and flowers and seeks justice for Bai-hu's cruelty. He has a butler who comes out after a victory to do him a favour.
Special moves :
Boujour Shot
Très mauvaise boule de feu avec une récupération horrible.
Robin Linear
Très mauvais dragon punch. Il faut noter que sa rapière supérieure annule les boules de feu.
Rose Train
Le coup de pied léger est court, avec une petite récupération, le coup de pied fort est plus long, avec une récupération plus longue. Bon mouvement à utiliser avec parcimonie.
Super Moves :
Un-deux Robin
Pielle fait plusieurs Rapier Uppers, un bon mouvement à utiliser dans les combos.
Thunder Crosier
Pielle se transforme en paratonnerre et poignarde les adversaires au visage. Excellent super de casse, excellent super anti-crossup, beaucoup d'invincibilité, difficile à punir complètement si bloqué contre certains personnages.
Super Rose
Lovely Rose Pirouette améliorée. Bon coup pour punir les erreurs flagrantes à n'importe quelle distance. Extrêmement sûr s'il est bloqué.
Alsion III
A good matchup for the french Zorro, Alsion will play a lot the hit and run strategies, try to spam him Power Waves and then surprise him with a Lightning Sword.
Huang Bai-Hu
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Condor Heads
Don't spam him too much with "Hello Shot" or he'll get you with his "Tomahawk Jack", try to attack him with a light standing punch only or a "Thank You One-Two-Three" after a "Tomahawk Jack" or a "Big Buffalo Horn".
Lee Dao-Long
He has a bad shot, try to approach with a "Thank you One-Two-Three" or surprise him with a "Super Rose".
Sheik Maherl
Long distance is the best weapon against Maherl who has specials to close quickly, a light crouching kick can be a good counter.
Pielle Montario
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Rila Estancia
Don't use "Hello Shot" unless you back up enough with light standing punches, wait until her "Killer Snake" and then do a standing high punch or "Robin Linear" to punish her as quickly as possible. "Thank You One-Two-Three" is a risky move as she has a lot of punishments like "Spinning Claw" or "Quick Uppercut".
Tobikage Saizo
He has the best projectiles but "Thank You One-Two-Three" can beat him easily, the standing high punch is also a good anti-air, this is probably his fairest matchup.
Sho Kamui
Light standing punch as soon as possible. Depending on how Sho fights, the strategy will be different:
- "Merci Un-Deux-Trois" against projectile spam
- Light standing punch against medium and short range combat
Use "Thunder Croisier" or "Super Rose" after storing enough power.
Tia Langray
She is a speedy shoto character, approach your long range pokes or wait to a aerial "Soul Spike" to punish her with a "Merci Un-Deux-Trois".